
Sunday, June 27, 2010


Fashionwild, your typical girl next door rocker chic! She is simply adorable, her smile is warming and looking through her pictures makes you want to be her very best friend in the world or better yet be her. I'm pretty positive she just recently started her blog so I'm even more positive that there will be much more outfit posts; and even though this isn't technically an outfit post I just had to post it cause these pictures are fantastic! The lighting, the colors, and just everything is perfect. So give Fashionwild a try, I'm sure you'll love it!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Ivy is a 16 year old from Melbourne who created this very awesome blog called Zebra and Meerkat! This blog is really fun and is mostly posts of Ivy's outfits and her clothes, but let me tell you this girl can seriously rock anything you will be very inspired once you click on this hyperlink.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

PITER 6.06

PITER! I am so proud to announce my first inspirational blog post about a boy, and not just any boy, Piter! He is so adorable and totally rocks the rocker chic in my lovely Spain. He always looks so well put together but has that edgy rocker thing going on at the same time. And on top of all the good looks and amazing style, the boy has a great sense of music too which is scattered around his blog. Check it out bunnies!
Ripped Jeans. All rights reserved. © 2025 Maira Gall.